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Help Team Blue make a difference. With Allah’s grace, and YOUR support, Muslim Futures continues to grow, delivering more care and love to the poor and needy around the world.

Home Fundraise

Fundraise with Muslim Futures.
Help Team Blue make a difference.

With Allah’s grace, and YOUR support, Muslim Futures continues to grow and increase its programme of work - and deliver more care and love to the poor and needy around the world.

Muslim Futures is proud of its MINIMUM 100% donation policy. Can you help us to raise donations and become part of a good cause? If so, then please join Team Blue and help change the lives of countless people around the world!

"And help one another in righteousness and piety"  (Quran 5:2)

Minutes or hours, days or months, the time you give makes a real difference to our beneficiaries. The effort you put in may be great, but the rewards and blessings will be even more plentiful.

Ways to help us fundraise

  • Start a collection at home and extend it to wider family and friends.
  • Email or message your friends and family and share the work of Muslim Futures.
  • Use WhatsApp to forward on our appeals to family and friends.
  • Share our appeals on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn with your contacts and followers.
  • Share our social media posts and promote Muslim Futures appeals.
  • Set up your own fund-raising or crowd-funding page for a Muslim Futures appeal.
  • Promote and share our appeals on our giving platforms such as and
  • Fund-raise at your workplace on behalf of Muslim Futures.
  • Share our Text-to-Give SMS number +44 7534 608600
  • Seek out and promote matching donations and payroll giving options in your workplace.
  • Arrange a fund-raising challenge or event of your own.
  • Ask us for a donation or collection box to do your own fund-raising.
  • Sell unwanted books, toys, or clothes for charity.
  • Request marketing material from us and distribute it.
  • Help us to arrange a Friday collection at your local mosque.


Whatever you do with Team Blue you won't be alone.

Raise funds. Save lives. Have fun. Fundraising for charity can be so rewarding, both personally fulfilling and helping to develop your people skills, whilst best of all, you get to help those less fortunate! All our fund-raisers are an active and essential part of Muslim Futures, making invaluable contributions to the sustainability of our existence. So could you. You can,

  • Do community fund-raising and engage with the public
  • Engage with CSR and HR policies within the workplace and share Muslim Futures work
  • Help us with fund-raising during a mosque collection
  • Raise funds with family and friends, colleagues, and contacts
  • Use your friendship groups to promote engagement with Muslim Futures
  • Share donation options through social media and by WhatsApp
  • Organise an event or challenge that supports one of our projects

And if you have any other ideas on how you, your family or friends can help, please contact us so that together, we can make a difference!

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator

Muslim Futures is proud to be working with the Fundraising Regulator, an independent body that sets and maintains the standards for charitable fundraising. This means we are duty bound to be honest, fair, and open about our fundraising with you, our supporters. You can learn much more about the Fundraising Regulator on their website,

All of our raised funds go directly to the poor and needy, without deducting ANY administration or marketing costs. We make sure that it is ONLY utilised for the beneficiaries of our work. Without exception.



Blue 100%. Donation Policy. Volunteer Run. Feedback Delivered. Transparency.



























Registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales and the Fundraising Regulator

© Copyright Muslim Futures 2025.
Registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales. Registration number 1191868.
ICO Registration number ZB239165.
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