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Comfort at Home

Share your good quality pre-owned clothes, shoes, toys, books with those who need it more, across Asia and Africa. Show your love and kindness to the needy. From your home to theirs.

Home Comfort at Home

Put your unwanted clothes to good use.
Donate them now and help someone less fortunate.

For over 10 years, our Comfort at Home programme has been one of the most popular ways our supporters have helped those in need. It enables us to share our good quality, but unwanted, or unused clothes, shoes, toys, books and other selected household items with those who need it more, across Asia and Africa.

100% sustainability is our aim, and by re-using and re-distributing the items that we no longer need or use in our own homes, Muslim Futures helps needy families to benefit from your donations-in-kind, maintaining dignity and honour. We don’t believe in landfill, and we don’t sell your items on.

We do facilitate, organise and re-distribute to those who need it more, delivering directly to their door, making a difference to a child, a mother or a whole family, and enabling your love and kindness to stretch from your home to theirs.

Join Team Blue and help change the lives of people around the world. Become an organiser, manage a drop-off point, or just share with family and friends! Contact Us now to find out more or get involved.

Ways to help us give Comfort at Home.

Working with a charity can be so rewarding, both personally fulfilling and helping to develop your people skills, whilst best of all, you get to help those let fortunate. So,

  • Clear out those wardrobes and set aside all the things you don’t need or use.
  • Start a collection at your home and extend it to wider family and friends.
  • Email or message your friends and family and share the work of Muslim Futures.
  • Share our Comfort at Home appeals on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn with your contacts and followers.
  • Set up your own collection WhatsApp group and spread the word.
  • Sell your own unwanted books, toys, or clothes for charity.

Because we work directly with the beneficiaries that receive your items, we maintain very careful procedures and high standards in all our collections. There are many things we can accept when taking your kind donations. And a few that we can't. Please Contact Us to find out more about Comfort at Home, and get our detailed guidance.

Remember. If you don't wear it. Donate it.

Teenage and adult clothes folded and ready for packing
Bags packed. 108kg ready for shipping to an orphanage and hospital in Pakistan
Unpacking Comfort at Home bags at the EcoVillage, Tanzania

All of our collections go directly to the poor and needy individuals or families that need them. We NEVER sell, re-cycle or trade any item. Without exception.

© Copyright Muslim Futures 2025.
Registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales. Registration number 1191868.
ICO Registration number ZB239165.
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