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Food & Hunger

No stomach needs to go hungry. We strive each day to ensure that those who are suffering poverty and hardship can survive today and have the means to develop and thrive tomorrow.

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Our Food & Hunger projects.
Fighting hunger one meal at a time.

We deliver essential relief services to those in poverty, suffering immediate hardship, or at risk of harm. Our projects are designed to be bespoke to the need, and we focus on developing our own ability to link relief and rehabilitation with long-term development.

Food and nutrition are key cornerstones of our work.

Working for the poor and needy across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Palestine, Yemen, the Syrian and Uyghur refugees, and across Africa, we work directly, and with partners and volunteers to deliver aid, relief and respite to thousands of communities who need our help more than ever. We deliver,

  • Emergency food packs.
  • Bulk staple foods.
  • Wheat and bread supplies.
  • Hot cooked food or pre-packed cold meals.
  • Monthly ration packs.
  • Fresh fruit, meat, or vegetables.
  • Dairy produce and milk.
  • Nutrition packs for the young and new-born.

Across rural communities or in urban areas, we work with local experts on the ground to identify and reach those who need us the most. From a year’s supply of dry food rations and staple foods to a widowed family, to the small rural classroom whose students cannot afford nutritious fruit in the summer months.

Our most recent work has included,


Over 8,000kg of food delivered to hundreds of internally displaced families in Yemen.


Delivered 46 tonnes of ration packs and staple foods in one month into 1,000 different poor and needy households, equivalent to over 500,000 meals across Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Provided thousands of hot cooked food meals to poor and needy families across Syrian refugee camps, Tanzania, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

Delivered over 5,675 kg of meat, providing 28,375 meals for over 1,890 households and nearly 9,450 of the poorest people in needy communities in Cameroon, Chad, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Palestine.


Carried out Sunnah-based fresh meat deliveries, sharing over 2,230kg to thousands of poor and needy families through direct distribution and cooked hot meals in Pakistan, Tanzania, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Palestine and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

Delivered over 9,500kg of food-packs to hundreds of poor and needy families across poor, rural districts in Pakistan, who would normally struggle to meet their basic daily needs.

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100% Zakat Eligible

All your donations go directly to the poor and needy, without the deduction of any administration or marketing costs.
At Muslim Futures, we ensure ALL your donations reach eligible recipients quickly, securely and with respect. You can also learn more about how we deal with Receipts and Feedback.

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