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Over the years.

A snapshot of Qurbani distribution activities carried out by Muslim Futures, on behalf of our amazing supporters.

Quench thirst  with Water for Life

Across the world over 750 million people lack access to clean water. Make fresh, clean water accessible to all and help save countless lives.

Palestine & Gaza Emergency Appeal 

Donate today and SAVE LIVES. Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful ...”  (Al-Tirmidhi)

Prosthetic Limb Therapy

Transform a life today and give a needy and vulnerable person the ability to walk again, go to school, or care for their family.

Crisis in Afghanistan

DONATE TODAY to help families and communities affected by rocketing inflation across Afghanistan.

Donate to our life-changing Appeals and Projects

View All Appeals

Save Palestine! Emergency Appeal

DONATE today to save the lives of innocent civilians in Gaza. They need your support TODAY more than any time in their histor... Find out more

Sadaqah Jariyah

Do good today to reap rewards tomorrow. Sadaqah Jariyah gives the poor and needy the long-term ability to support and empower... Find out more

Books. Change Lives.

The right book in the right hands at the right time, can change a life. It's the key to a brighter future, offering a child ... Find out more

Lasting Legacies

Create a Lasting Legacy. Let us remember and honour our loved ones, with a unique gift – the best, most beneficial, on-goin... Find out more


The most powerful gift from Allah that protects your successes and blesses you in times of need. Offer Sadaqah through Muslim... Find out more

Give Water. Save Life.

Across the world over 750 million people lack access to clean water. Help us save lives, by donating today and making fresh, ... Find out more


Fulfill your obligation, make impact and save lives. Giving your Zakat through Muslim Futures supports and empowers some of t... Find out more

Save Palestine! Emergency Appeal

DONATE today to save the lives of innocent civilians in Gaza. They need your support TODAY more than any time in their histor... Find out more

Where MOST needed

When you give to Where MOST Needed, you help us to provide the very best support to vulnerable and needy families around the ... Find out more

Turkey & Syria Emergency Appeal

Help the survivors recover. Donate your Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah to provide them with emergency food, water, blankets and sh... Find out more

Olive Trees for Palestine

Help to save lives in Palestine, by providing for poor and displaced families to develop an income and livelihood for surviva... Find out more

Child Sponsorship

Basic necessities are scarce for the orphaned children of Yemen. These children do not know a happy home, or have a safe plac... Find out more

Trees for Life

Our tree plantation campaigns help to save lives by providing poor, destitute farmers and the rural poor with the means to cr... Find out more

Cleft Lip & Palate Surgery

Transform a life today by supporting Cleft Lip & Palate surgery, Prosthetic Limb therapy and Paediatric Cancer care Find out more

Prosthetic Limb Therapy

Transform a life today and give a needy and vulnerable person the ability to walk again, go to school, or care for their fami... Find out more

Cataract Eye Surgery

Transform a life today by offering the gift of sight. When you offer a vulnerable or needy person the chance to regain sight,... Find out more

Health & Wellbeing

From surgery to support and treatment to therapy, we provide life-changing medical aid, healthcare and well-being support to ... Find out more

Education & Literacy

Support education for future generations. Show confidence in a person's potential and help to create the next generation of l... Find out more

Welfare & Dignity

Helping families to achieve self-sufficiency and break the cycle of poverty. Protecting welfare, restoring dignity and empowe... Find out more

Food & Hunger

No stomach needs to go hungry. We strive each day to ensure that those who are suffering poverty and hardship can survive tod... Find out more

Water & Sanitation

Connecting Life with a Future. The people we help with accessible clean water and sanitation solutions are then able to devel... Find out more

Community & Dawah

Working with communities to alleviate poverty and hardship throughout the UK and abroad. Supporting advocacy and aid activiti... Find out more

Alleviating poverty and hardship through essential critical services

Learn about us

Our Ethos

The ethos of Muslim Futures is taken from the inspirational teachings of Islam, as revealed by the Holy Quran and the Hadith, Seerah and Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad sallallāhu 'alayhi wa’sallam.

Our Vision

Our vision is centred on the concept of the alleviation of poverty and hardship through education and learning for all, where opportunities are created for personal development and self-empowerment.

Our Values

We are guided by our three core values of empathy, generosity, and selflessness, which underpin all our work and maintain the connection between our faith and our intention.

Work out and pay your Zakat in seconds with our easy-to-use Calculator.

Find out more about the many ways you can contribute to our work.

Your time and effort are some of the most valuable things you can donate.

Help us to change lives for the better by fund-raising with us.

Donate today,
Change a life

Donate today and help save lives. Make a difference to those suffering from poverty and hunger, or lack access to healthcare or basic education.

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ICO Registration number ZB239165.
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